Archive for the ‘books’ Category

The Bloody Apprentice

No office nudity here as such, but we could not resist showing you this as Sir Allan Sugar (“Alain Sucre” for the Francophones) talks about the taboo subject that was a mystery until now.

The video took months to put together by super talented writer Michael Bollen, the “cassetteboy” cut and paste expert.
Michael has a gift for making you laugh and also wrote the comedy novel Earth Inc.

fear-and-tremblingThe first time I heard about being naked at the office was in a book from Amelie Nothomb – Fear and Trembling (Stupeurs et Tremblements).  The heroine gives you an insight in the Japanese work-life-no-balance and eventually ends up running around stark naked at the office (but she’s on her own). An excellent book I thoroughly enjoyed!